- About 250 km North of Perth via Brand Hwy and Cervantes Rd to
- From Cervantes Rd approximate 15 km gravel road to the centre
of the pinnacles desert
- 4WD track to eastern boundary from Brand Hwy
- Another 4WD track to southern section and then to the pinnacles
from Lancelin - a little coastal town 40 km south of the park
- Guided tours with 4WD coaches from Perth and Cervantes
- No camping in park
- Accommodation and camping facilities at Cervantes about 4 km
from park entrance
- August through October for walking and wildflowers
- Summer is hot and dry
- Best time for seeing the limestone pillars is early morning or
late afternoon.
- The gravel road to the pinnacles is suitable for conventional
vehicles, not for caravans and trailers. After heavy rains the
road may become rough.
- Take drinking water, there is no drinking water in the park
- Advise ranger of Your bushwalking plans
- Please note that the offshore islands are all nature reserves,
and you must have a permit to land there.
- A low plateau of ancient and weathered beach dunes forms the
backdrop to Nambung's beautiful coastline and intriguing
Pinnacles Desert.
- Out of the yellow sands rise thousands of huge limestone pillars,
standing in stark contrast to the surrounding low heathlands
typical of this coast. The pillars are the result of the influence
of vegetation, winter rain and wind erosion on the limestone plateau for a
very long time.
- Side tracks from the main gravel road to the Pinnacle Desert
leads to picnic areas at Kangaroo Point and Hangover Bay. There
is an easy walk to the beach.
- In the Pinnacle Desert visitors can walk or drive around a group
of these unusual limestone formations in a one-way circuit (4 km).
An other self-guided walk between the pillars takes you to several
lookouts with views across the desert and the coastline.
- There are no other walking tracks in the park. You should consult
the ranger for details on off-track tours, when You want to see
more of Nambung or to do some birdwatching along the Nambung
River waterholes.
- The pinnacles often feature in tourist guides to the region, but
they are only one part of the 17500 ha National Park. Beautiful
beaches, coastal dune systems, trees and flowering plants are
typical for this northern coastal plain park.
- 1 Nambung River with Wyip, Warrap and Kinchela
Pool - Permanent water - best birdwatching places
- 2 Kangaroo Point and 3 Hangover Bay
- lookouts, swimming, picnic areas with bbq's, fishing
(contact the Fisheries Department for the latest rules and
- 4 Pinnacles Desert with the one-way loop track
and 5 Pinnacles Lookout
- 6 Painted Desert in the south of Pinnacles Desert.